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10 Things I've Learned This Spring

1. The phrase, "let me know if you need anything," spoken after loss doesn't put hands and feet to truly being there for someone.

This phrase is expounded upon in a Reader's Digest article. I read this shortly after my Grandma passed away, and the words couldn't be more true. There were a few who truly were there in the midst of grief, and words will never express how much their thoughtful gestures meant to me.

2. I don't have loads of time to write.

I used to have time to write during the day when the kids took their naps at the same time, but both are napping less and less these days and they aren't on the same schedule anymore. After a long day with the kids, it's not easy to make myself sit down and try to write. While I enjoy writing, it takes time and effort, and I have to set my mind to writing early in the day in order to make it happen in the evening. Now that I have finished a few writing projects, I will be writing a blog post every week and will publish the posts on Thursday afternoons. I have four different kinds of posts set up for each month, and this plan should offer something for everyone.

3. "If a story is in you, it has to come out." -William Faulkner

I've had multiple stories to tell for the longest time, but I didn't know how to get those stories out there. I started a little blog several years ago, but it wasn't reaching many people because I didn't know how to make that happen. It would take a while to explain how I stumbled upon a community that offered hope and resources to writers, but it has been the BEST investment toward writing. They are offering a free video series for anyone interested in joining. Learn how to become a better writer, how to market, and how the process works for writing a book. Emily P. Freeman also gives you a sample book proposal which is not something you can find elsewhere. I cannot say enough about Hope*Writers, but check it out for yourself.

4. Presque Isle sunsets are the best. (See photo below.)

5. I love a good challenge.

I recently discovered that I am more likely to be in God's word if I have a verse to memorize and if I have some competition. Thanks husband, for giving me verses and memorizing them along with me.

6. While I prefer a paper copy of a book any day, the Kindle my husband surprised me with is growing on me for all sorts of reasons.

1. It fits in my diaper bag without taking up much space, allowing me to read when I have small windows of free time. 2. Most books cost less with Kindle. 3. We don't really have room for an entire library in our little home. Bummer. 4. I can click on a word and it brings up a definition and then stores that word on a separate list for future use. Um, genius. 5. The cover isn't bulky and is super cute!

7. I couldn't go anywhere as easily without this diaper bag.

Every Mom with more than one kid needs this diaper bag, and ahem, I started a trend at our church after I purchased mine. It's a backpack, so I don't have to worry about it falling off my shoulder. It's durable. There are tons of pockets, and a few insulated pockets for bottles and such. Oh, and it's the cutest diaper backpack I could find that my husband was willing to carry without costing too much. It's also on a crazy awesome sale at the moment, so if you are looking for one or need a baby shower gift, you're welcome.

8. Grace, grace, and always grace.

This word has been screaming at me lately. I've been tested with extending grace in difficult circumstances lately, and I've also been reading this phenomenal book that unwraps grace and presents it in a way that humbles me.

9. I'm young to be writing about change.

This was brought to my attention by someone as I was making final edits on "Conquering Change: a seven day series." I could have let it derail me altogether, but instead, I allowed myself the margin to think about the comment. Their words are true. I am young to be writing about change in comparison to those several generations older than me, but that doesn't disqualify the experiences I have faced nor the changes I've observed in the lives of others. And in some ways, it makes sense for a millennial to write about changes as they are observed and experienced rather than once they are over because I am writing to the person who is presently walking through a new change, not to the person who faced a new change a lifetime ago.

Since there are many changes I haven't faced, I plan to include a "resource" tab on my website in the coming months with varied topics. You can choose the change that you are facing, and there will be links to writers or otherwise who are walking through similar change. I may also have occasional guest postings to allow for varied topics related to change.

10. I can answer the "who do you think you are" question much easier these days.

A speaking engagement and a book reminded me of the question that plagues my mind during times in which I am attempting something for the greater good. The question rears its ugly head in my parenting, in my writing, and in daily occurrences. But for every question, I answer with who God says I am, and continue moving forward one small step at a time.


Note: I've linked-up with Emily P. Freeman and many other writers to share what I've learned each season. You can view her post and many more by clicking here.



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