Parenting is hard and requires sacrifice. Emily Allen, podcast host for Kindred Mom and Mama to six children, talks a bit about what coming to the end of herself looks like as well as how she makes time for herself. You'll hear about how she stopped her business to focus on her children after feeling stretched too thin. I talk briefly about what the Bible teaches us about coming to the end of ourselves, but then we segue into what the Bible says about making time for ourselves as well. Grab some coffee and maybe a bible. While I didn't reference the scripture mentioned in the podcast, I've included them here in the show notes. Also, you will find a link to Kindred Mom that includes a freebie when you sign up!
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Scripture References:
2 Timothy 4:7-8
1 Peter 5:6
Matthew 16:24-26
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Ephesians 5:29
Emily Allen: